Will extensions damage my natural lashes?

No, when applied correctly by a licensed professional, extensions should feel weightless/comfortable. Extensions are water and sweat proof 24 hours after application. All appointments include a free consultation to go over expectations and lash care/aftercare. Extensions are applied by a licensed Esthetician who has been certified in lash extensions for 4 years.

How often will I need infills?

After the initial full set application it is recommended guests come in after 2 weeks to see how they are adjusting, ensure they are comfortable, learn their lash shed cycle etc. Additionally, how rough you are when you sleep, work out or how much make up you wear around your eye can determine how often you will need an infill. With proper care infills should be scheduled every 2-3 weeks. Anything after 3 weeks is considered a full set.

What is a lash shed cycle and why is it important?

Naturally 2-5 lashes shed per day, per eye. This happens with or without extensions. When the natural lash sheds there is a new lash to replace it. An infill is required every 2-3 weeks to maintain lashes lost since the extension adheres to a natural lash and lash new growth. Everyone has different lash shed cycles and different shed speeds. Lashes are just like the hair on your head. Keep in mind, during seasonal hair loss our bodies shed lashes faster than usual to adapt. This is typically during Spring and Autumn.

Can I wear mascara?

It is highly recommended guests avoid mascara on their extensions. Oil free or formulated for eyelash extensions mascara exist, however, these cause extra wear on the lash extensions which may result in a quicker lash shed.

What if I have sensitive eyes?

If sensitivities to products(i.e. adhesive from previous salon, mascara, face wash etc.) are a concern, a patch test is highly recommended prior to booking an appointment. This is a quick temporary application of 10-20 lashes on each eye to test for allergy. Recommend booking at least 72 hours before full set application appointment.

How do I remove extensions?

Extensions should be professionally removed.